Saturday, May 03, 2008

Escape To Kalumpang

I never heard a place called Kalumpang, until Yuenna (currently PTD) suggest us to have "peace of mind" over there.. haha..the great thing is... when u really want to hv some release from ur normal routine..there will always a way. Thus, for this time.. I'm definitely will make myself available, even if i have to fight over dragon or swimming to cross the ocean, which 110% i'd guaranteed will not happen. ahaha..

Located near Tg Malim, i think it'll take about 1-1.5 hours from Shah Alam. Not too far..the distance are acceptable. When we reached there,it's already full with the other people. So, we don't have much options than to pay RM5 to enter a private place for us to have a nice weekend picnic with friends.

9 of us,the fivers2k smapians, namely cik amie,cik syada,cik najem,cik yuenna,cik ups,cik emon, cik taqo, cik etock and of course me myself cik an have succeed to reach Kalumpang. And not to forget..thanks to our Wira's driver and also Swift's driver for ur cautious driving skill that make us reached there safely. Luv u both.. muahh..muahh.. Eventhough we are only 9 girls (still girl aa??), but the "bekalan masa depan"..huhuhu... rase nya..tambah 8 org lagi pun still mampu tampung! ahaha.. Want to know 'bekalan maa depan kami'?.. let's see:
Sandwich sardin + sandwich telur (left behind) + bihun goreng + nasi lemak + garlic bread + mushroom soup + keropok + junk foods + BBQ (paling best) + tembikai + oren + apples + choki2 + ...etc. ( can't remember unless see the pics again!). Nak terburai tali perut rasa..haha..

The picnic is really fun, however.. here, in Kalumpang also..has created my own history also as i almost "fainted" twice. Actually i never fainted or 'gelap mata' bukan mata-mata gelap! or so on before.. so, now i know what it feels when... u heard nothing, u see nothing..But i can tell u that it doesn't feels good at all. I'm lucky enough to have those hot chicks..around me.haha.. jgn mare! Again.. SORRY to those yg mandi dpn kitorg, bila aku terpaksa menjadi "bomoh" sat bile men'sembur' 'benda2 ' tu... hahaha... really sorry guys.. Tu laaa.. pesal nak mandi dekat2 kan...nasib la. Dengar2 citer.. berterabur sume lari ek!! hahahahaha.... Sorry la dik, akak tak sengaja.. And to Emon, yg terpaksa jadi doktor kejap thanks ek! Tu yang bile aku OK tu..aku bersungguh panggang ayam utk korg tu..walaupun aku mmg ade bakat semula jadi dlm seni mem'BBQ' ni.... haha... Not to forget, time kasey juga pada cik sada yg berjaya mendetect masa aku mula nak mendarat! ahaha... bukan sembarangan tu..ingat ade smoke detector je ke? ! hahaha...Lost-balance detector pun ade tau..Syada namanye! hehe..

Not motivated enough to write more, but i really appreciate my schoolmates a.k.a friends... who still willing to spend their time with me, even though i knew it's really hard for us to hang out together as what we do before. But, the effort that u make to make sure we still keep in touch is well appreciated. Only God know.. Love you babes!! huhu..

To Amie, Syada, Ups, Meon, Etock, Emon, Yuna,Taqo.... thanks for the lovely day we shared together!

p/s: By the way..i think my allergic towards cold (ice/water/aircond etc. ) are getting worse. huhu..Any cure for me?

Misz An


Rasyada said...

ahaha...bkn aje ko jd tok moh..malah leh jd dugong mendarat kat batu tanpa segan alim gak..bertudung litup lg..ahah...aku tgh x tahan nk gelak ni...ahahhahahaha..

MiSz An said...

hahaha... gile arrr.
Baik nyer landing! ahaha..seb baek cameraman lupe nak on video cam! hohoho.. kalau tak..7 keturunan korg terbayang rupa aku kan! ahaha..